Popcörner : Cöllege Life II

♥♥بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم♥♥

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh (´∀`)♡

Well as we all know,  I discontinued my previous entry about my college life in Labuan Matriculation. Don't worry, it's not because I drop out of college and decide to marry the man of my dream or whatsoever, it's because of *drumrollllllll* I TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER COLLEGE!  It's not exactly a college but it was a training institute I guess (excuse my idiocy and lack of research). If you were one of my loyal readers, you'd know I've been in two college interviews  to further my studies. 

Alhamdulillah, a miracle happened and IPG decided to accept me (this dork)  to be a teacher trainee. Yep, you heard me. The path I'm pursuing is indeed to become an educator. It's like a whole new level for someone like me. Not that it is entirely new to me to add the fact that both of my parents are teachers, however, I'm not the kind of person who, you know obtain the art of teaching. That is why in IPG, we have a year of preparation (similar to foundation studies) before entering 4 years of degree-level learning, depending on the course we chose. 

Ok long story short I'm currently studying at IPGK Gaya, Sabah. 

Surprised eh? That'd be right!  I am a proud Sabahan (。’▽’。)♡

How's life there you ask?  Meh. As a freshman there are things tht I'm able to experience right away and that is meeting new friends, having aliens as your roommates for 6 months straight. Hey, I'm not a shy person, really, but it takes time for me to get use to new environment, to adapt I mean. Things were awkward between me and my new roommates on our first night together, but as time passes by, we get along pretty quickly. To my surprise we are all equally  cray-cray and of course a meme-a-holic. I'm just glad that I'm blessed with good roommates. 

And as for assignments, lectures yada yada yada all the same ol' routine. Nothing's really new hehe. Ohh I've got to show you guys the amount of activities I participated in for the past 6 months (♥ω♥ ) ~♪ pshh it involves dancing and singing (●´∀`)ノ♡ Hoorahhh!! Oh in case you're wondering, im having my semester break right now and I am pumped for NEW YEAR!!!! 

Can't wait to greet 2018 and bid farewell to our old mate, 2017 ♡(`ω`)♡

Alright that is all! Write to you later! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

pshhhh Wanna hear something more interesting?  How about I tell you  a story about our haunted hostel? Coming soon in the next entry Insya-Allah♥♥


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