Popcörner : Cöllege Life II
♥♥بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم♥♥ Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh (´∀`)♡ Well as we all know, I discontinued my previous entry about my college life in Labuan Matriculation. Don't worry, it's not because I drop out of college and decide to marry the man of my dream or whatsoever, it's because of *drumrollllllll* I TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER COLLEGE! It's not exactly a college but it was a training institute I guess (excuse my idiocy and lack of research). If you were one of my loyal readers, you'd know I've been in two college interviews to further my studies. Alhamdulillah, a miracle happened and IPG decided to accept me (this dork) to be a teacher trainee. Yep, you heard me. The path I'm pursuing is indeed to become an educator. It's like a whole new level for someone like me. Not that it is entirely new to me to add the fact that both of my parents are teachers, however, I'm not the kind of person who,...